Power of Story (Stanford GSB, Stanford LEAD)

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To lead is to be able to reimagine the future and to be able to tell stories about that vision in a way that resonate with your investors, stakeholders, and customers to accelerate buy-in and make the vision become a reality. In fact, one reason many innovations fail is not because of the idea or the core product — but rather because the story behind it was not clear. And as a leader, you need to know how to tell powerful stories — both business and personal — to inspire and lead. 

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A New Type of Leader: Anchored on Purpose, Fueled by Humor (Stanford LEAD)

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In this course, we empower you with tools to unlock higher purpose in yourself, your teams, and in your organizations. Then, drawing on insights from leaders who cultivate levity in their organizations as well as professional comedians, you’ll learn how to use your sense of humor as a secret weapon in business and life to persuade, influence, and lead.

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