J. Choi, D. Saban and G.Y. Weintraub (2023), Manufacturing & Service Operations Management March 2023 Vol. 25 Issue 2 Pages 613–630.
Basso, L., M, Goic, M. Olivares, D. Saure, C. Thraves, A. Carranza, G.Y. Weintraub, et. al. (2022), forthcoming at Special Issue INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics for the Edelman Award 2022, winning project.
Franz Edelman Award 2022, Winning Project
Li, H., G. Zhao, R. Johari, and G.Y. Weintraub (2022), Proceedings of The Web Conference 2022 (full paper).
Johari, R., Li, H., I. Liskovich, and G.Y. Weintraub (2022), Management Science, October 2022 Vol. 68 Issue 10 Pages 7065–7791
RMP Jeff McGill Student Paper Award 2021, 2nd place.
Carranza, A., M. Goic, E. Lara, M. Olivares, G.Y. Weintraub, et al. (2022), Management Science, Vol. 68, No. 3 (fast-track).
Part of the project that won the Edelman Award 2022.
Bergemann, D., F. Castro, and G.Y. Weintraub (2022), Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 131.
Light, B., and G.Y. Weintraub (2020), forthcoming at Operations Research, Vol. 70, No. 1.
Saban, D. and G.Y. Weintraub (2021), Operations Research Vol. 69, No. 3, 683-1013.
Part of thesis finalist of 2015 INFORMS George Dantzig Dissertation Award. Second place 2015 M&SOM Student Paper Competition.
Bergemann, D., F. Castro, and G.Y. Weintraub (2019), Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 188
Balserio, S., O. Besbes, and G.Y. Weintraub (2019). Operations Research, Vol. 67, Issue 3, 711-730.
Gur, Y., L. Lu, and G.Y. Weintraub (2017). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol. 19, No. 4 (Fall), 568-585.
Ifrach, B., and G.Y. Weintraub (2017). The Review of Economic Studies, Vol 84, No. 3, 1106-1150.
Benkard, C.L., P. Jeziorksi, and G.Y. Weintraub (2015). The RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 46, No. 4 (Winter), 671-708.
Balseiro, S., O. Besbes, and G.Y. Weintraub (2015). Management Science, Vol. 61, No. 4, 864-884.
Part of thesis that received the 2014 INFORMS George Dantzig Dissertation Award. Finalist paper 2014 INFORMS George Nicholson Student Paper Competition.
Kim, S. W., M. Olivares and G.Y. Weintraub (2014). Management Science, Vol. 60, No. 5 (May), 1180-1201.
Finalist paper 2012 MSOM Student Paper Competition
Adlakha, S., R. Johari, and G.Y. Weintraub (2015). Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 156, 269-316 (Special Issue on Computer Science and Economic Theory).
Njoroge, P., A. Ozdaglar, N. Stier, and G.Y. Weintraub (2014). Review of Network Economics, Vol. 12, No. 4 (December), 355-402.
Farias, V,. D. Saure, and G.Y. Weintraub (2012). The RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 43, No.2 (Summer), 253-282.
A previous version of this paper received the second place in the 2009 Informs JFIG paper competition.
Olivares, M., G.Y. Weintraub, R. Epstein, and D. Yung (2012). Management Science, Vol. 58, No. 8 (August),1458-1481.
DiPalantino, D., R. Johari, and G.Y. Weintraub (2011). Operations Research Letters, Vol. 39, 390-396.
Weintraub, G.Y., C.L. Benkard, and B. Van Roy (2011). Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 146, 1965-1994.
Johari, R., G.Y. Weintraub, and B. Van Roy (2010). Operations Research, Vol. 58, No. 5, 1303-1317.
Weintraub, G.Y., C.L. Benkard, and B. Van Roy (2010). Operations Research (Special Issue in Computational Economics), Vol. 58, No. 4, 1247-1265.
- Download C++ code for computing OE, nonstationary OE, and OE with aggregate shocks, and error bounds. [Download code] [Documentation]
- Download Matlab code for computing OE and error bounds. [Download code]
Weintraub, G.Y., C.L. Benkard, and B. Van Roy (2008). Econometrica, Vol. 76, No. 6 (November), 1375–1411.
Epstein, R., L. Henríquez, J. Catalán, G.Y. Weintraub, C. Martínez, and F. Espejo (2004). International Transactions in Operational Research, Vol. 11, No. 6, 593-612
Mondschein, S. and G.Y. Weintraub (2003) Production and Operations Management, Vol. 12, No. 2, 266-286.
Epstein, R., L. Henríquez, J. Catalán, G.Y. Weintraub, and C. Martínez (2002). Interfaces, Vol. 32, No. 6, 1-14.
Publications in Spanish
An Example of Optimization
Epstein, R., L. Henríquez, F. Espejo, J. Catalán, G.Y. Weintraub, and C. Martínez (2003). Perspectivas en Política, Economía y Gestión, Vol. 6, No. 2, 181-202.
Is it Convenient to Make Appointments in a Service Company?
Mondschein, S. and G.Y. Weintraub (2001). Revista de Ingeniería de Sistemas, Vol. 16, No. 1, 21-48.
Epstein, R., L. Henríquez, J. Catalán, G.Y. Weintraub, and C. Martínez (2001). Revista de Ingeniería de Sistemas, Vol. 15, No. 1, 13-30.