Manning Up: Threatened Men Compensate by Disavowing Feminine Preferences and Embracing Masculine Attributes (with Sapna Cheryan, Jessica Schwartz Cameron, Zach Katagiri). Social Psychology, Vol 46, no 4, June 2015, 218-227.
Fitting in but getting fat: identity threat and dietary choices among U.S. immigrant groups (with Maya D. Guendelman, Sapna Cheryan). Psychological Science, Vol 22, no 7, July 2011, 959-967.
Opt-Out Testing for Stigmatized Diseases: A Social Psychological Approach to Understanding the Potential Effect of Recommendations for Routine HIV Testing (with Sean D. Young, Douglas Owens). Health Psychology, Vol 28, no 6, October 2010, 675-681.
Potential Moral Stigma and Reactions to Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Evidence for a Disjunction Fallacy (with Sean D. Young, A. David Nussbaum). Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Vol 33, no 6, June 2007, 789-799.
Where are you really from? Asian Americans and identity denial. (with Cheryan Sapna). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 89, no 5, November 2005, 717-730.