Cognitive Psychology
The retrospective gambler’s fallacy: Unlikely events, constructing the past, and multiple universes (with D.M. Oppenheimer). Judgment and Decision Making, Vol 4, no 5, August 2009, 326-334.
Investigations in spontaneous discounting (with D.M. Oppenheimer). Memory & Cognition, Vol 37, no 5, July 2009, 608-614.
Is positivity a cue or a response option? Warm glow vs evaluative matching in the familiarity for attractive and not-so-attractive faces (with O. Corneille, G. Pleyers). Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Vol 41, no 4, July 2005, 431-437.
Correlated Averages vs. Averaged Correlations: Demonstrating the Warm Glow Heuristic Beyond Aggregation (with D.M. Oppenheimer). Social Cognition, Vol 23, no 3, June 2005.
The warm glow heuristic: when liking leads to familiarity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 85, no 6, December 2003, 1035-1048,.