Inventing racist roads not taken: The licensing effect of immoral counterfactual behaviors (with Daniel A. Effron, Dale T. Miller). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 103, no 6, 916-932, December 2012.
Published Paper
The Stranger Effect The Rejection of Affective Deviants (with S. Szczurek, J.J. Gross). Psychological Science, Vol 23, no 10, October 2012, 1105-1111.
The strategic pursuit of moral credentials (with Anna C. Merritt, Daniel A. Effron, Steven Fein, Kenneth K. Savitsky, Daniel M. Tuller). Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Vol 48, May 2012, 774-777.
Do-Gooder Derogation: Disparaging Morally Motivated Minorities to Defuse Anticipated Reproach (with Julia A. Minson). Social Psychological & Personality Science, Vol 3, No 2, March 2012, 200-207.
“Doing well by doing good”? Ambivalent moral framing in organizations (with Tamar A. Kreps). Research in Organizational Behavior, Vol 31, October 2011, 99-123.
Fitting in but getting fat: identity threat and dietary choices among U.S. immigrant groups (with Maya D. Guendelman, Sapna Cheryan). Psychological Science, Vol 22, no 7, July 2011, 959-967.
The Trouble with Thinking: People Want to Have Quick Reactions to Personal Taboos (with Anna C. Merritt). Emotion Review, Vol 3,no 3, July 2011, 318-319.
Misery has more company than people think: underestimating the prevalence of others’ negative emotions (with Jordan, A.H., Dweck, C.D., Lovett, B.J., John, O.P., Gross, J.J). Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Vol 37, no 1, January 2011, 120-135.
Letting People Off the Hook: When Do Good Deeds Excuse Transgressions? (with Daniel A. Effron). Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Vol 36, No 12, 1618-1634.
The Orthogonality of Praise and Condemnation in Moral Judgment (with Scott Wiltermuth, Rosalind Chow). Social Psychology & Personality Science, Vol 1, no 4, October 2010, 302-310.