Writing opinion pieces is useful for reaching a broader audience. I have focused significant efforts on opinion pieces in 2010-2014.

Selected Links


Accountability Holds the Key to Restoring Trust in Democracy, Anat Admati, Project Syndicate | June 10, 2024

Bailouts Forever, Anat Admati and Martin Hellwig, HyperText | May 23, 2024

Capital Confusion, Anat Admati and Martin Hellwig, HyperText | May 23, 2024

Nonsense and Bad Rules Persist in BankingPDF Project Syndicate  | April 8, 2024   (Republished by International Politics and Society (IPS) and MarketWatch  Memo to Jamie Dimond and other bankers: What benefits large banks doesn’t necessarily benefit Americans  )

Despite their ‘flawed claims’, banks need more equity,  PDF, The Banker  | March 18, 2024

The Bankers’ New Clothes (Excerpt), ProMarket | January 18, 2024


When will they ever learn? The US banking crisis of 2023 VoxEU | May 18,2023

Credit Suisse: Too big to manage, too big to resolve, or simply too big? Centre for Economic Policy Research | May 8, 2023


Time for a crypto crackdown,” Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR) Top economic policy challenges for 2023 | December 19, 2022

Will 2023 Be a Year of Economic Crisis?” Project Syndicate | December 15, 2022 PDF


George Stigler and the Challenge of Democracy,” ProMarket | June 3, 2021, re-published in European Corporate Governance Institute blog July 19, 2021

“Corporations and Democracy: The Challenge, the Opportunities, and Essential First Steps,” Corporations and Society Initiative Blog, Stanford GSB | March 17, 2021


“Business will Continue to Undermind Democracy,” in Predictions for Business and Society in 2021 (#13), Aspen Institutes | December 21, 2020

Milton Friedman and the Need for Justice, ProMarket | October 5, 2020, reprinted as “Anat Admati on Milton Friedman and Justice,” Stanford GSB Insight | October 8, 2020

Bad Policies Encourage and Tolerate Excessive Fragility, in OECD New Approaches to Economic Challenges: The Financial System, Summer 2020

Without Universal Testing, Recovery will be Slow, in “How to recover from the economic catastrophe we’re in,” LA Times | May 31, 2020  PDF

Letter to Congress on Corporate Bail Outs (Signed by over 230 leading Professor of Finance, Law and Economics), ProMarket | March 24, 2020

Other People’s Money, Stanford Social Innovation Review Supplement on Realizing Democracy, winter 2020 Reprinted as Democracy and Prosperity Require Uncorrupted Governments, Stanford GSB Insights | Feb 14, 2020.


Political Economy, Blind Spots, and a Challenge to Academics, ProMarket | November 15, 2019

How Business Schools Can Help Restore Trust in CapitalismPDF Harvard Business Review  |  September 3, 2019


Fix the regulatory flaws in our fragile financial system, or risk another crisis City A.M. | June 12, 2018

Risks Grow as Reform Resolve Disappears, 2018 Global Public Investor, Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum

Financial crises, corporate scandals and blind spots: who is responsible?, London School of Economics Blog | January 25, 2018


Why Financialized Corporate Governance Works Poorly, The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation | August 9, 2017


In Banking It’s All Other People’s Money, The Washington Post | April 22, 2016   PDF

The Financial System Remains Too Fragile, Too Distorted, Too Dangerous, New York Times Room for Debate | April 14, 2016


Janet Yellen, Time 100 most influential people list | April 15, 2015

Where’s the Courage to Act on Banks?, Bloomberg View | October 12, 2015 PDF

Designing and Enforcing Effective Financial Regulation, International Banker | May 25, 2015 PDF


The Fed Is Failing to Encourage the Right Investments, New York Times Room for Debate | October 27, 2014

A Reckless Banking Industry is a Drag on the Economy (with Martin Hellwig), Financial Times | September 12, 2014

The Government Let Banks Have Too Much Debt and Not Enough Equity, New York Times Room for Debate | May 20, 2014

Immensity Undermines Responsibility, New York Times Room for Debate | January 12, 2014


Tarp’s legacy is disturbing – the bank bailout five years later, The Guardian | October 2, 2013 PDF

Higher equity level for banks not such a bitter pill, Financial Times | September 16, 2013 PDF

Five Years of Financial Non-Reform, Project Syndicate | September 13, 2013 PDF

We’re All Still Hostages to the Big Banks, New York Times | August 25, 2013 PDF

Too Much Equity? In Anything, Brown-Vitter Asks Too Little, American Banker | June 24, 2013 PDF

Letter: Banks are not a special case on debt-equity ratio (with Martin Hellwig), Financial Times | May 20, 2013 PDF

The Emperors of Banking Have No Clothes (with Martin Hellwig), The Globalist | March 19, 2013

Don’t Trust These Bankers Who Want to Raise the Speed Limit (with Robert Jenkins, Bank of England), The Independent | March 15, 2013

Gutting Regulation May Help the Banker, But Harm Society, American Banker | March 8, 2013

Must Financial Reform Await Another Crisis? (with Martin Hellwig), Bloomberg View | February 6, 2013 PDF

The Case Against Banking’s Case for Less Capital (with Martin Hellwig), Bloomberg View | February 5, 2013 PDF

Emperors of Banking Have No Clothes (with Martin Hellwig), Bloomberg View | February 4, 2013 PDF


The Great Bank Escape, Project Syndicate | December 31, 2012 PDF

What Obama Should Do Now: Make the Financial System Safer, The Washington Post | November 9, 2012 PDF

Why the Bank Dividends are a Bad Idea, Reuters | March 14, 2012 PDF

More bank equity serves us all better (with Neil Barofsky), Financial Times | March 6, 2012 PDF


Easing capital rules would lead banks away from vital lending, Financial Times | August 23, 2011 PDF

Greenspan’s reasoning on ‘excessive’ equity is misleading(with 19 academics), Financial Times | August 2, 2011

Beware of Banks’ Flawed Focus on Return on Equity, New York Times DealBook | July 25, 2011 PDF

An Open letter to JPMorgan Chase Board of Directors, Reuters | June 14, 2011 PDF

Battle to Regulate Banks Has Just Begun/Global Level Playing Field Arguments are Invalid (with Martin Hellwig), Financial Times | June 3 & June 7, 2011

Rethinking how banks create value, FS Focus Magazine | June 2011

Containing the Debt Crisis, New York Times Room for Debate | May 24, 2011

Stock Market Sensitivities, New York Times Room for Debate | April 18, 2011

Fed Runs Scared with Boost to Bank Dividends, Bloomberg | Febuary 24, 2011 PDF

Only recapitalized banks should pay dividends (with 16 academics), Financial Times | February 15, 2011

Banks Need to Generate Investor Value without Subsidies, Financial Times | February 9, 2011

Address Excessive Leverage, New York Times Room for Debate | January 31, 2011

Excessive bank dividends drain the system of essential capital Financial Times | January 28, 2011

Dividents Can Wait Until the Banks are Stronger,  PDF Financial Times | January 19, 2011


Bankruptcy is Not an Option, New York Times Room for Debate | December 8, 2010

What Jamie Dimon Won’t Tell You, Huffington Post | December 4, 2010 PDF

Highly leveraged lenders inflict great suffering on society, Financial Times | Deember 2, 2010 PDF

Healthy banking system is the goal, not profitable banks (with 19 academics), Financial Times | November 9, 2010 PDF

How the U.S. Air Force fought suicide, and we can, too, Palo Alto Weekly | April 23, 2010