Affiliated Research Organizations

American Finance Association
The American Finance Association is the premier academic organization devoted to the study and promotion of knowledge about financial economics. 

Finance Theory Group
The Finance Theory Group is the premier association of young theorists working in financial economics, in particular on corporate finance and financial markets. The organization, just a couple of years old, has more than sixty members and holds two annual meetings. It also awards the prize for the best theory finance job market paper. I was a member of its founding Board and also co-organized one of the meetings at Stanford

FARFE (the Foundation for the Advancement of Research in Financial Economics) is the premier association of leading financial economists that is committed to supporting and encouraging fundamental research in financial economics and to facilitating productive interaction between research and practice in finance. 

NBER (the National Bureau of Economic Research) is the leading U.S. research organization in economics. I am a research associate (in the Corporate Finance program) and co-organized a recent NBER Corporate Finance meeting at Stanford

GRETA is a research organization in Venice affiliated with the University of Venice. It holds annual credit risk conference CREDIT. I was the chair of the the academic committee in one of years and support their efforts to bring outstanding researchers to Venice and Europe at large.

My Co-Authors

Stanford GSB Ph.D. Graduates

Many outstanding people graduated from our Finance Ph.D. Program and here are some of them who are now my colleagues at other business schools and universities.

Our students on the rookie job market this year
Please visit their webpages!